Termite Services

Pest Control Sydney
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Termite Control

Termites are very destructive pests that burrow into wood and eat it from the inside. They are extremely difficult to detect normally, until it’s too late and they’ve caused a lot of damage. If a termite infestation isn’t resolved in time, they can completely ruin wooden structures and put the integrity of a building at risk–there already have been cases of Sydney homes totally collapsing from termites!

Due to the combination of warmth and humidity, Sydney is a big hotspot for subterranean termites that burrow underground and into homes. Some suburbs in particular are more susceptible than others, such as:

If you live in any of these locations, then you need to act fast! Your home is at great risk of termite infestation. Take action and give Active Pest Control Management a call for an inspection today. If we manage to find termites, we’ll immediately start applying Termite Control Services Sydney to get rid of them. If they aren’t present in your home, it’s very wise to have a termite barrier set up to block a future invasion.


The Active Termite Pest Control Process

Step 1
Step 1

Pest Inspection

The first step in our pest control process in Sydney is a thorough pest inspection. Our certified and experienced pest controllers thoroughly examine your property to identify the type of pests, the extent of the infestation, and the underlying causes. We look for signs such as droppings, nests, damage to structures, and other indicators of pest activity.

During the inspection, we assess potential entry points, food sources, and harborage areas that pests might use. This comprehensive evaluation helps us understand the pests’ behavior and lifecycle, which is crucial for developing an effective treatment plan. Our goal is to create a tailored solution that addresses the specific pests infesting your property and tackles the root causes to prevent future infestations.

Step 2
Step 2

Pest Treatment & Solution

Following the Pest inspection, we proceed to the pest treatment and solution phase. Based on our findings, we devise a customized treatment plan designed to eliminate the pests and prevent their return. Our approach is both safe and effective, using the latest pest control technologies and environmentally friendly methods.

Depending on the type of pests and the severity of the infestation, we employ a variety of techniques, including baits, traps, insecticides, and exclusion methods. Our insecticides are chosen for their effectiveness and safety, ensuring they pose no risk to your family, pets, or the environment. In severe infestations, we may use a combination of treatments to ensure comprehensive control.

Our pest controllers are highly trained and equipped with state-of-the-art tools, ensuring precise application of treatments. We target both the pests and their breeding grounds, aiming to eliminate the current infestation and disrupt the pest lifecycle to prevent future occurrences. Our meticulous approach ensures that every part of your property is treated effectively.

Step 3
Step 3

Pest Control Follow-Up

The final step in our process is the pest control follow-up. Effective pest management doesn’t end with the initial treatment. Follow-up visits are essential to ensure that pests have been completely eradicated and to monitor for any signs of recurrence.

During the follow-up visits, our technicians re-inspect the property to check for any remaining signs of pest activity. If necessary, they will apply additional treatments to ensure complete eradication.

At Active Pest Control Management, we are dedicated to providing top-notch pest control services in Sydney. Our systematic approach ensures your property remains pest-free, offering peace of mind and a safe, comfortable environment.

Pest Control Sydney
Pest Control Sydney
Pest Control Sydney
Pest Control Sydney
Pest Control Sydney
Pest Control Sydney
Pest Control Sydney

Why is Termite Pest Control in Sydney a Big Deal

All pest control solutions we use are completely environmentally friendly and non-toxic to humans and animals, protecting your health and property at the same time.
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Number 1


After getting your call, we’ll come to your location and do a pest inspection in Sydney for termites. Besides looking for common visual cues, we use specialised equipment to detect termite activity underground or in the walls.

If you’ve seen where the termites are or have an idea of where they might be nesting, tell us to speed up the process. We will still be thorough with the rest of the building, however, as there could always be more than one nest, or multiple types of pests.

Number 2


Once we know for sure where the termites are, we get to work exterminating them. Depending on how large the hive has grown, drastic measures may need to be taken. Either way, the goal is to get fast results, as termites multiply and cause damage at an alarming rate. Our professional methods can kill off swarms of termites in a matter of days, all the while remaining eco-friendly and non-toxic to humans or pets.

Number 3


After some time has passed, we can come back to check if the termites have died off completely yet. It’s important to make sure that the termite hive has been destroyed entirely to be certain that there won’t be a resurgence.

After this stage, it’s a good idea to get the wooden structures devoured by termites replaced or repaired. The new wood needs to be kept dry so that a new hive of termites doesn’t come along to restart the issue.

How To Find and Prevent Termites

Knowing how to detect and find a termite infestation is half the battle. As they reside inside of wood, with their entry points sometimes completely obscured by paint or wallpaper, it can be hard to notice that your house is crumbling at this very moment.

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White Ant Control Sydney

Termites are also sometimes called “white ants”; however, they have no real relation to ants, and require completely different treatment methods to remove. If you’re not sure if you actually have termites or just a type of ant, get Active Pest Control Management to perform Sydney Termite Control and find out.


Be extra alert for these signs:

  • Mud tubes on the ground leading to wood
  • Small pinholes on walls, sometimes under paint or wallpaper
  • Persistently stuck doors or windows
  • Shed wings from alates
  • Termite droppings

If you see any of these, then it’s time BE to act fast and call Active Pest Control Management for Termite Control Services Sydney. If not, you may not be completely in the clear, but you can breathe a bit easier.


For true peace of mind, take up these measures to prevent an infestation:

  • Check for water leaks
  • Stow away, seal or remove exposed wood
  • Implement a termite barrier

If you need extra help or tips for termite prevention, don’t hesitate to give Active Pest Control Management a call.