Termites are very destructive pests that burrow into wood and eat it from the inside. They are extremely difficult to detect normally, until it’s too late and they’ve caused a lot of damage. If a termite infestation isn’t resolved in time, they can completely ruin wooden structures and put the integrity of a building at risk–there already have been cases of Sydney homes totally collapsing from termites!
Due to the combination of warmth and humidity, Sydney is a big hotspot for subterranean termites that burrow underground and into homes. Some suburbs in particular are more susceptible than others, such as:
If you live in any of these locations, then you need to act fast! Your home is at great risk of termite infestation. Take action and give Active Pest Control Management a call for an inspection today. If we manage to find termites, we’ll immediately start applying Termite Control Services Sydney to get rid of them. If they aren’t present in your home, it’s very wise to have a termite barrier set up to block a future invasion.
Knowing how to detect and find a termite infestation is half the battle. As they reside inside of wood, with their entry points sometimes completely obscured by paint or wallpaper, it can be hard to notice that your house is crumbling at this very moment.